Or at least, this is what seems to be the male interpretation of her increasingly erratic behavior the past few episodes of the show. I think she actually knows precisely what she wants. She wants neither the mundane, nor the tawdry. However, the men in her life are such bores and/or scolds, they don't seem to understand this. She wants the ethereal, the unusual. And because she is clearly alone in harboring these desires, she has to delve into her own interior life to find what she's looking for. So she does - through an evening in Rome, pretending to be someone else, or through the purchase of a chaise lounge that allows her to be transported into another world.
Unfortunately, the price of admission into her escapist fantasy is a commensurate level of disappointment with the futility of her day-to-day relationships. "You had to come to me," says the remarkably uncreative Governor's aide, when she confronts him at his office. Later he tells her he's not playing any games, despite the fact that he showed up at her door out of the blue one afternoon, and then sat at home and twiddled his thumbs while she hosted a fundraiser for him. Who are these people? And why don't they seem to understand that starting something prosaic and cliched is hardly worth starting at all?
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