Nerdly book swap happening at the SL Library on Thursday. I've also been invited to an event at some bar in Hollywood, but a book swap sounds like so much more fun and also, I don't know what to do with the three copies of Madamme Bovary and four copies of Ibsen I've collected over the years. I'm running out of bookshelf space and yet, I can't bring myself to part with any of my books. I know I will inevitably come home with a dozen more. And yet this seems like an ideal way to spend a Thursday evening if you must leave your house; which I prefer not to do most Thursday evenings. My requirement for Thursday evenings is that they 1) must not involve venturing more than a mile from my house or 2) Must be spent doing some sort of productive activity that makes me feel virtuous or gives the impression of expanding my mind. Most Thursdays, I cook a semi-elaborate meal, or watch Tivoed NOVA or curl up in my reading chair and read. Or do dishes or pay bills. Two Thursdays ago, R and I cooked a stew at her house and then, tipsy on two glasses of wine each, found ourselves doing extensive internet research on Saipan. The book swap fulfills all of my Thursday evening requirements. Also, there is a hot dog truck with veggie dogs parked outside the library on Thursdays. Also the tastings at SL wine next door. Whoever thought of building a library next to a wine store is brilliant. Books, wine, veggie dogs, hanging at the library a mile from my house? What could be better?
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