Thursday, June 24, 2010


Sometimes you have a brilliant idea in a dream, but upon waking it simply doesn't make sense. Like the dream I had of four interconnected books that could be read forwards and backwards and revealed different stories about the same person, but different dimensions of who they are. In the dream, this was a brilliant idea. In real life, I wondered how I could actually do that. I don't inhabit enough dimensions. Or I'm not able to consciously register other dimensions. It was like that really talky episode of Battlestar Galactica that everyone hated, but that I loved because it was all about the limits of human perception. And then I got all depressed and didn't know what to do with myself. Because I didn't know how to write a book that would speak, like directly speak, maybe even without the reading of it, despite it's four parts and backwards-and-forwards narrative, to the part of a person that's more expansive than just this, what we have. So I guess the blog'll do just fine for now.

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