Thursday, June 17, 2010

this week's conversation snippets about the limits of cultural signifiers

Me: Why were these DVRs recalled? I like my Moxie.

Time Warner Cable Guy: Because one of them overheated and caught on fire and caused a TV to explode.

Me: Oh, okay. You can switch it out, no problem

* * *

E: So ___ was at the reunion and he was wearing a polo shirt with the collar popped up and sunglasses on the back of his neck.

Me: I think that's the official uniform of douches everywhere. especially pastel polo shirts.

E: Yeah, Ed Hardy's the other one.

* * *

D: Sometimes when I stretch in the morning I get Charlie Horses.

Me: I don't know what that is, I've never had one. Am I missing out?

D: How is it possible you've never had a Charlie Horse?

Me: I don't have a potassium deficiency like you.

D: So you never stretch and then feel like this --eeee-- Charlie Horse?

Me: Make that sound again.

D: --eeee--

Me: What was it again?

D: ...

Me: No, I'm serious.

D: --eee--

Me: No, I've never experienced that.

* * *

Very young random person: I don't like that old guy.

Me: Harrison Ford?

Very young random person: I don't know his name. But I don't like him.

Me: You don't know who Harrison Ford is?

Very young random person: No.

Me: How old are you?

Very young random person: 18.

Me: Oh. Okay.

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