Friday, June 25, 2010

conversation with my lungs this morning (featuring a cameo from my ass. also featuring my brain)

Me: Should we do outdoor yoga or indoor yoga today? Outdoor yoga!

Lungs: Why don't we just smoke a pack of cigarettes and move to Mexico City?

Me: Oh come on, lungs! The smog isn't that bad!

Lungs: Not if you bring an oxygen tank.

Me: I can almost see the Franklin Hills!

Lungs: How about we skip yoga altogether and sleep in?

Me: Lungs! You are so unmotivated! It's a beautiful LA Day!

Ass: How about we spend all day on this incredibly comfy tempurpedic mattress with incredibly comfy washed linen sheets and incredibly comfy down comforter and read?

Me: Look ass, you're the entire reason I'm going to yoga in the first place. Besides, we can't stay in bed. I can't write in bed.

Brain: Isn't that what a laptop is for? Duh!

Me: Okay you guys. I'm in.

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