Why. Does. My. Period. ALWAYS. Align. With. The. Full. Moon?
I swear it makes me crazy. I want to be all "What? The Japanese don't PMS. It's all psychosomatic," or "Shut up, Eckhart Tolle about my pre-menstrual pain-body." But it's true. Full moon + period = tears and some sort of really irritating pebble-in-my-shoe type of saudade (see below).

Readers: (all two of you) Please send pickles and stracciatella gelato my way. This fucking condition has a cure and it involves Italian delicacies. And the pickles.
...but i've lost my way to the Pickle Man. Sadly, I'm such a Luddite that I don't have any of the new-fangled accounts listed under "Select Profile" not even the LiveJournal of yestermoment.