Saturday, April 18, 2009

Have you ever read Madamme Bovary? Because I would totally cast Ryan Gosling to play the role of Leon in the film version. He's got that conflicted thing going on. Like this line in M. Bovary is soo Ryan: "He didn't dare question her; but realizing how experienced she was, he told himself that she must have known the utmost extremes of suffering and pleasure. What had once charmed him he now found a little frightening. Then, too, he rebelled against the way his personality was increasingly being submerged; he resented her perpetual triumph over him." Look at the man. Closely. Doesn't he seem both charmed and frightened and resentful and not entirely sure which emotion to convey? No, seriously, look closer.

I would cast Ryan Gosling in anything though. I would cast him to hang around my house and mow my lawn and read me passages from O'Neill plays.

Also, if I ever needed legal services, I would hire the character he played in Fracture, Willie Beachum. He spent a lot of time brooding and staring at people in that movie but it was seriously hot. Generally when people brood and stare it's annoying and creepy, but not Ryan. he stares well. Also, he totally gaze-stalked some corporate lawyer into sleeping with him. Ryan doesn't waste any time. And in the end, he outsmarted Anthony Hopkins which seems like it would be a difficult task, but maybe not, considering my recent Gabriel Byrne discovery. Sigh. Actors.

My Ryan Gosling crush started a while ago, with Half Nelson, and then turned to full-on love with Lars and the Real Girl. Then I heard he was dating Natalie Portman and I was like "Yawn. Who hasn't dated her?"