Saturday, May 16, 2009

IM. Today.

T: You haven't blogged in like two days. wtf is going on?

Me: it's like my brain is going down all the wrong alleyways the past couple of days.

T: ?

Me: Like remember freshman year, at orientation they did that sexual harassment presentation and a group of civic-minded sophomores did a skit on date rape? And the guy who played the date rapist tried to act all nonchalant in the play the next morning and we were all like eww? And then three months later we were comign home from that party

T: yeah yeah. and we got lost and ended up in that alley and all of a sudden we were face to face with the date rapist

Me: yeah, and we were drunk so instead of distinguishing him as the guy who played a date rapist in a skit for orientation - and he was probably a seriously progressive feminist for doing that

T: we pointed at him and we were like oh my god it's the date rapist

Me: yeah.

T: I don't understand the metaphor

Me: nothing comes of accusing the guy who played the date rapist in a skit of being a date rapist. there's no point to that activity.

T: so that's the alley your mind is in.

Me: sigh. yes.

T: would you have dated that guy?

Me: probably not

T: but you knew he wasn't a date rapist for real

Me: i know, but i'm clearly not broadminded enough to take someone seriously after i see them playing a date rapist ina skit. i have too active an imagination.

T: but what if you fell in love with him

Me: i don't know. he had like blonde hair.

T: what do you have against people with blonde hair?

Me: I'm generally not attracted to blondes. but i guesss it could happen.

T: poor guy

Me: i know. it probably killed his love life

T: yeah. Date rape generally does. As it should.

Me: yeah.

T: would you date a real date rapist?

Me: wtf kind of question is that? umm...let me think about that one...


T: What if he was a nice guy who just screwed up once? like long before he met you.

Me: are we really having this conversation?

T: Yeah, like we generally talk about the weather and work. I think a s a writer you're obligated to think about such distressing dilemmas. also i want to see this IM conversation on your blog.

Me: I don't think there's any dilemma here. I think that's kind of a serious red flag.

T: i haven't thought about date rape since i was like 19. it's so college.

Me: yeah, i guess it is.

T: well, thanks for refreshing my memory.

Me: thanks for trivializing the violation of someone's body.

T: you're welcome. you brought it up, girl who speaks in date rape metaphors.

Me: that's true. i did. ok. bye.

T: bye.

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