Monday, January 4, 2010

i am out of sorts

I keep spilling things, ginger tea on myself this morning, yogurt on my sleeve, coffee on my collar. I also keep having this recurring dream that my feet are being amputated and wake up terrified. I looked in N's dream book to figure out what this dream means and it said this:


To dream that your limbs are amputated represents a loss of an ability or skill that can never be regained.

shit. also:

It may also be indicative of a certain matter or circumstance that you should have paid more attention to; it may have escalated to a dangerous point. In particular, to dream that your arms are amputated, suggests that don’t possess the desire or drive to accomplish a task. Dreaming that your legs are amputated may imply that you feel restricted and are unable to reach your goals in a satisfactory manner.

According to N's dream book, I have serious issues.

Also, blogger appears to be broken. Seriously, blogger. If you don't get it together soon I might have to go join my friends on tumblr.

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