Sunday, May 10, 2009

I misunderestimated, I think.

I misunderestimated myself and other people and the world.

And so I am sad, because sometimes I think about my misunderestimation.

The day after I think I misunderestimated, I asked Kaizar, "It's not terrible is it? It's not like life or death. It's not like Bush invading Iraq. If I did, in fact, misunderestimate, and I won't know whether I did, for maybe a long time, it's not that bad is it?" And I had gotten a nosebleed the day before, which I'd never had before. And it freaked me out because I got it from being yelled at. Because I'm not used to being yelled at, and so it shocks my body. Or this is what I told myself.

And he said, "No, it's not that bad. And don't beat yourself up. And you're not a bad person. And you have good intentions. And you have a good heart." And it made me realize that my friends know me. They know that I can't handle things sometimes, and they know how bad I feel about it.

And I'm not (a bad person), I don't think. And I do (have a good heart), I think. And when I feel unsafe, or cornered, or pressured, I run. And get yelled at. And get nosebleeds, apparently. I just misunderestimated. People do that sometimes. And they shouldn't be made to feel bad about it. Because they feel bad enough as it is.

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