Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mean Cars

Normally it's the autumn to winter transition that's the difficult one, full of malaise; the reduction in daylight hours corresponding inversely with the onset of seasonal angst. And even though it doesn't get much colder in LA, my sense memory remembers the gray and the cold of my youth and braces for it. It's my Copenhagen PTSD.

This year, winter to spring feels like the downtown 110/101 transition, where those huge pickup trucks with monster wheels are whizzing by at 80 miles an hour and you have to cross over five lanes to get where you're going. It's exhausting just thinking about it. I need a pause and I'm not going to get one. It's one of those things where I just have to like breathe through it and hope I land on the other side intact.

Back to those pickup trucks though - I don't see Hummers on the road as much as I used to when I first came to LA, but I still see the trucks with the big wheels that look like evil Transformers. I don't understand the benefit/payoff of being that high up in your car. It feels rude just to be driving one of those things, some sort of brazen display of urban hauteur.

What is it about the visual depiction of evil or our association with it (think evil cartoon characters) that requires one specific element to be grotesquely out of proportion? Like big or obscenely arched eyebrows, or bug-eyes?

Those giant wheels, they're all you need to turn a mere freight vehicle into an evil conveyance.

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