Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Party Star Vegetable

Radishes are like the friend who is always up for anything. Suggest a play, he's down, tell him you want to go to the flea market and he'll be your date. Mention you just want to stay in and make collages and he'll join you. He'll even sit quietly with you and read if you ask him to.

Last night was a spring salad with radishes, feta, avocado, belgian endive and scallion with a creme fraiche and lemon dressing and that was quite perfect. Three nights ago, there were radishes with truffle butter and sea salt, and that worked too. Two weeks ago, radishes were sliced and eaten with guac because I was too lazy to brave the Prius-parking-lot-wars at the Silverlake TJ's, and they worked great.

Radishes are also good because they make friends with other ingredients. They're like the party star - the person who you dump in a room with a few cocktails and a motley crew of friends - co-workers, college roommates, and neighbors, and they just sort of get along with everyone. And then after the party, everyone's calling up and like, asking for their number.

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