Thursday, October 8, 2009


Maybe because I spend/have spent so much time in your shoes, I dreamt I was you. Or I dreamt that we were one person. Or maybe I dreamt that I inhabited your body, which sounds a little creepier. But either way, I was sitting at your dinner table, with your family, in your house in my dream. But it was years ago. You were in high school, and this makes sense too because I've spent a lot of time wondering what you were really like back then, in your teens. Because the stories people tell you are stories, maybe no better than your own excavation of someone's experiences, your own speculation, your own ability to imagine what they were like before you knew them. And with certain people, you feel no walls, you feel you could walk a number of miles in their shoes. So in my dream, I was you, at a kitchen table, in a dimly lit house. And no one seemed to notice that I/you were any different.

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