Friday, October 30, 2009

Rant, Okay? But Just One, I Promise

At least Adam Goldman admits that his problems are bougie and stupid. I think this relative self-awareness is the tonal aspect that gives the piece some actual levity because without that admission, the clip would just be sad and infuriating. Don't get me wrong, I complain about stuff, but lately I've been reading a handful of blogs by people my age, and it makes me understand why terrorists want to bomb us. Granted, this is anecdotal, and limited to my experience with blogs written by self-satisfied people in their late 20s/early 30s. But I want to turn to these people and say, "You don't have real problems. You have bougie Silverlake hipster problems. You don't have to feel bad about it, it's okay. You can't help your upbringing or your socio-economic status. But you do have the choice of pulling your head out of your ass. And maybe even occasionally thinking about something other than yourself and your hedonistic pursuits." I think the Zadie Smith essay also threw me back in to the question of why people write. Isn't it supposed to be about new discoveries within your internal life/world? Rather than a series of rants about the useless things you don't have in your life? I can't champion these so-called writers. I kind of want them to fail in their life pursuits, because they have no ability to actually appreciate anything that they've earned. There's a complete lack of self-awareness and as a result, they say nothing new or challenging, they're so stuck within their own limited self-circuitry. This is why you start writing; it's an outlet, you have to get it out, but at some point, shouldn't it develop past that? Shouldn't it develop to something more than just you? But this makes me think that the vast majority of the people in the world are this way, stuck in their own thinking-grooves, stuck in their own relatively useless pursuits. And that makes me even sadder. Maybe I'm not any better than this myself. But I know that I want to be.

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